Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Magic Kingdom

On Saturday we headed over to Orlando to spend the day at Disney. Drew and Graysen had been looking forward to this day for a very long time. We decided that Harper probably wouldn't enjoy spending the whole day outside in 90 degree weather, so she stayed behind at the condo with Mimi. It was sad leaving her behind, but she will get to experience Disney soon!

Drew and Graysen at the front of the park!

Drew mapping out our day.

Drew and PopPop on Dumbo.

Graysen getting ready to ride Dumbo.

It's A Small World.

Graysen with Cinderella!

Graysen with Belle.

Graysen with Ariel.

Meeting Mickey and Minnie!!!

The kids with Donald Duck.

Princess Tiana and Naveen.

Graysen with Rosetta.

Graysen loved meeting Tinkerbell!

Graysen with Silvermist.

Waiting in line for Pirates of the Carribean.

Drew lost his 8th tooth while waiting in line for Aladdin's Magic Carpet ride.

Drew decided on "Mickey" hands as his souviner.

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